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Janet McCutchen, Licensed Professional Counselor

Specializing in Emotionally Focused Therapy



We all long to truly know and be known.

It’s the hardest challenge in Relationship

And the most rewarding experience

Once it’s found.



2021 Richard Jones Road, Suite 350 B, Nashville, TN 37215 (615) 604-6443





I schedule my own appointments. I am currently only seeing clients in the evenings. Please feel free to leave a confidential voice mail or e-mail, Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM, and I will respond within the next 48hours, except on weekends. I will be pleased to discuss your concerns and see if we are a good fit for one another.


I do not accept insurance. Sessions are $175 per clinical hour ( 50 minutes). I accept payment via Ivy Pay ( a HIPPA compliant app you can set up on your phone).

I also offer a special Premarital Package to help set you up for success on your journey as a couple: $600 includes an individual session for each of you, and five couples’ sessions—seven total, and a savings of over $600.

** I invite you to go to the Articles/Blog page for a special link that honors Sue Johnson, Ed.D., the founder of EFT

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Thank you for your interest in my practice. I work with adults, both individuals and couples. Although I utilize a variety of approaches, my particular area of focus is with couples, or individuals with relationship issues, using the EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) model, an empirically-based approach that has been demonstrated to decrease feelings of personal and relationship distress. I am also integrative, and include approaches based on differentiation in relationship, as well teaching couples and individuals ways to improve their ability to identify and tolerate feelings of distress.

Why This Approach is Different

Couples often long to connect with one another, but this is can be more difficult than it sounds. We all desire to have that person to "come home to," and that desire starts with learning more about ourselves and our partners. The lessons of attachment and intimacy take place early in life, with our primary caregivers and with other adults who influence us, such as teachers, neighbors, clergy, or extended family. We all experience “wounds” of attachment, times when our needs are either willfully or inadvertently ignored or impaired. We also need to learn to “differentiate,” fully recognizing our own role in becoming our own “person,” who is likely quite different from our partners in some significant ways.

Even when we don’t currently have a partner, we often discover that healing these wounds is the first step to learning more about ourselves, and setting ourselves up for success in our relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. I work with individuals, as well, who are experiencing feelings of anxiety or life circumstances that cause distress for themselves, at work, or in relationship, often integrating a variety of evidence-based therapy models, depending upon what approach works best for each client.

 In-ti-ma-cy: "Into Me See" occurs when we are able to fully embrace our deepest fears and longings and share them with the ones we love. Instead of doing so, we learn to hide our vulnerabilities and find ourselves engaged in repetitive arguments, or isolating from our partners. Perhaps you've also experienced the sense that no matter what you try, you are unable to establish the healthy, secure relationship you've longed for. None of us is perfect, so in our work together, I'll help set the stage for healthier, richer conversations with your partner, focusing less on blaming, and more on how to become more known, more open and more truly a "couple."

I’m pleased to say that premarital counseling has become increasingly popular. Many of my clients benefit from my Premarital Package of sessions, which are tailored to fit your unique relationship needs and goals for the future.

 With a gentle curiosity, it will be my honor to walk this journey with you, as one who can guide and support you along the way. Communication problems are the symptom, but no one can give you a "to-do" list that will solve every issue.  This is true in my work with both individuals, who long to know themselves more deeply, as well as those who long to relate to others in a healthier, more authentic way.

In our couple sessions, you will learn how to communicate more effectively by learning to trust yourself and your partner more deeply. Humans are like that:  Once we feel understood and supported, it's amazing how easily we can learn to communicate in ways we never dreamed of.

I abide by the rules of confidentiality set forth for all psychologists, licensed professional counselors, and licensed clinical social workers , as that of attorney-client privilege: Title 63-22-114. I also abide by a “no secrets” policy when working with couples. This includes areas of concern where couples’ therapy may be contraindicated (such as high volatility and physical violence, active addiction( I do work with many couples in recovery) or intimate relationships with other partners/extramarital affairs.

I am a member of AAMFT ( The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy) and ICEEFT ( The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy)

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Creating Connections for Life ©

About Me

I am a Native Tennessean who has traveled extensively and enjoys both the open road and the comfort of home. My husband and I continue to learn how to bring our best selves to our own marriage, by nurturing a foundation of trust and connection. When not working, I enjoy spending time with my family (including our canine children!), and friends, travel, hiking, and the Nashville music and food scene. Slower days may find me sharing a sofa with a good book and cup of Cream Earl Grey. My training is in clinical psychology, and I am trained in classic psychodynamic approaches, with additional training in humanistic, client-centered models, evidence-based behavioral approaches, and couples counseling. My approach with each individual and couple is integrative, depending upon clients’ unique needs. I have been a clinician for over 30 years, and licensed in the State of Tennessee since 1993 ( #342).

I am also licensed in Vermont as a telehealth Clinical Mental Health Counselor LI#662903

** Equal care will be provided to all clients, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, physical ability or attributes, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. My in-person office is handicap accessible. You are welcome to call for a free consultation.

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